Palazzina dei Servizi - 2° Piano - Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova - Via Giustiniani, 2 - Padova - Italia - Tel. +39 0498218342 - Fax +39 0498218341

mercoledì 29 febbraio 2012


Il giorno 5 marzo pv dalle ore 12.00 alle 13.30 il prof. Zanotti è disponibile ad incontrare gli studenti che hanno necessità di chiarimenti in merito all’Erasmus o per la firma sulla documentazione “Erasmus” da consegnare. 
L’incontro si terrà c/o lo studio del docente (Istituto di Igiene, Via Loredan 18 – Padova, Piano I).

mercoledì 14 luglio 2010

Programma LLP/Erasmus

Il Programma d'azione comunitaria nel campo dell'apprendimento permanente, o Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), è stato istituito con decisione del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio il 15 novembre 2006 (GU UE L327), e riunisce al suo interno tutte le iniziative di cooperazione europea nell'ambito dell’istruzione e della formazione dal 2007 al 2013. Ha sostituito, integrandoli in un unico programma, i precedenti Socrates e Leonardo, attivi dal 1995 al 2006.

Mobilità Studenti in uscita - Outgoing students
Mobilità Studenti in entrata - Incoming students
Mobilità Docenti - TS Mobility
Mobilità Personale T.A. - Staff Training Mobility
Informazioni Utili per i Docenti Responsabili di Flusso Erasmus
Servizio centrale e Uffici Erasmus di Facoltà

International students admissions

EU and non-EU citizens can equally enrol at the University of Padova, but enrolments follows different steps. In case of dual citizenship, the Italian citizenship prevails (L. 31 May 1995, n. 218 art. 19).
Distinct application rules apply to:

Information: Call Centre - tel. 0039 049 8273131

lunedì 8 febbraio 2010

Erasmus Programme 2009 - 2010

Erasmus is the EU's flagship education and training programme. Its main objectives are:
- To enable students to benefit educationally, linguistically and culturally from the experience of learning in other European countries;- To promote co-operation between institutions and to enrich the educational environment of host institutions;- To contribute to the development of a pool of well-qualified, open-minded and internationally experienced young people as future professionals..
The University of Padova Medical School considers the Erasmus Programme an important way of developing an international culture and of enhancing international relations. It promotes the creation of new links and collaborations with European partners, and provides administrative support to increase the participation of students.
The Erasmus programme allows students to spend a period of study at our partner universities to attend courses and make exams, practical activity and thesis work. Mobility is also opened, for selected Universities, to doctoral students. The period of exchange has been agreed with each
Institution and varies from 3 to 12 months.
Currently the Faculty of Medicine offers Erasmus exchanges for the following Degree Courses:- Medicine and Surgery- Dentistry- Nursing- Physiotherapy- Speech Therapy- Dietetics- Motor Sciences- Audiometric Techniques- Audioprothesis Techniques- Health Biotechnologies- Medical Biotechnologies- Preventive and Adapted Motor Activity Science and Techniques- Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
Existing Bilateral Flows (Academic Year 2010/2011)

NEW Annual selections for Academic Year 2010/2011 will be opened around February 10 . All updated information will be soon available in this page.

NEW Information events (updated information and presentations available in ERASMUSlab):
  • For Nursing students: February 1st, 2.00 p.m., Aula Ramazzini-
  • For Physiotherapy students: February 4, 2.00 p.m., Aula Ramazzini-
  • For Medicine and Surgery students: February 11, 2.00 p.m., Aula Ramazzini

Degree course in Nursing

Info incoming Student

Period of stay and possible activities:
The best period for your stay is between the beginning of October and the end of March. In that period, the available areas for practical training are:
- Intensive Therapy and critical area
- Mental Health area
- Home care area
Other areas, such as Medicine and Surgery, are available even in April.
You will be provided with the necessary uniform (shoes excluded).

Arrival in another period can be admitted under request of your coordinator. The months of August and September must be excluded.
You can extend your stay in Padua only if you are authorized by your coordinator (please ask your coordinator to contact prof. Zanotti about this matter).
Courses are in Italian, additional seminars in English will be organized during the Academic Year.
The programmes of courses are available (in Italian) in the “Bollettino” (periodically updated). For further information see Italian home page.

A few days before your arrival: please send an e-mail to prof. Zanotti and set an appointment with him. You will be addressed and presented to your tutor, and will be given all necessary information to start your activity in hospital.
If you need an evaluation of practical activities, submit Annex 1 to your tutor.

At the end of your stay, please leave a copy of your “libretto” to the Faculty ErasmusOffice; you will receive it back by post in a few days plus an additional certificate in English with all the activities you did here in Padua.

The basic knowledge of the Italian language is useful

Useful contacts: see "STAFF DEGREE COURSE"